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Solar Tax Credits & Incentives

Federal Solar Incentives

The United States Federal Government offers a nationwide solar tax credit for solar power implementation called the Investment Tax Credit (ITC). The ITC provides a reduction in income tax as a dollar-for-dollar credit for the installation of a solar system.

Call J-Tech to get a quote on solar for your home and learn more about tax credits for solar panels today.

solar powered energy

Nebraska Solar Power Incentives

The State of Nebraska offers loans as a solar incentive for getting Solar Power called the Dollar and Energy Saving Loans (NDEE). These loans are offered to help Nebraska residents make the switch to wind, photovoltaic and fuel cell projects. Depending on the home or building, owners can get a solar tax credit anywhere between $125,000 to $250,000 in loans.

Lincoln, Nebraska Solar

There are solar incentives to help residents make the switch in the city of Lincoln Nebraska. The local utility company, The Lincoln Electric System (LES) offers savings for both residential and commercial projects through their Sustainable Energy Program. LES provides funds that are available on a first-come-first-serve basis by partnering with local contractors like J-Tech. Be sure to check with your contractor and tax advisor to ensure your solar energy project qualifies for a federal tax credit. 

Omaha, Nebraska Solar

The Omaha Public Power District (OPPD), a local utility company in Omaha, encourages homeowners to make the switch to solar energy through its Customer-Owned Generation program. By partnering with approved solar contractors, like J-tech, you can get solar panels installed for your home and start saving money through generating your own power & net metering. Contact J-Tech to help get you started with Solar incentives in Omaha.

Grand Island, Nebraska Solar

In Grand Island, the utility company is publicly owned and helps provide energy to the city. By partnering with licensed NABCEP Grand Island solar contractors, like J-Tech, you can save money on energy by having solar panels installed. J-Tech can facilitate the review of your solar installation and help you through the process of the interconnection of customer owned power generation, so you can contribute energy to the city, helping you save more money.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Every State Have Solar Incentives?

Not yet, but more states are constantly being added to the list. There are currently 31 states that offer solar panel incentives to residents and businesses. If you are considering solar panels and you live outside of Nebraska, be sure to research solar tax credits and incentives in your state.

Can I Claim the Nebraska Solar Tax Credit Retroactively?

Yes! Even if it has been a couple years, be sure to request your solar panel incentives. Originally any solar system installed before December 2019 would have received a 30% credit. Most recently, Congress passed an extension on the ITC in December 2020, providing a 26% tax credit for systems installed in 2020-2022, and 22% for systems installed in 2023. Unless it is renewed, the ITC solar tax credit will expire in 2024, so don’t wait to get solar panels in Nebraska.

How Many Years Can I Claim The Solar Tax Credit?

The Nebraska solar tax credit can only be claimed a single time. Once claimed, you and the other residents of your home will no longer be eligible. Nevertheless, this federal tax credit for solar panels can be worth thousands of dollars. It won’t last long, so claim it while you can.

REAP Solar Grants

REAP is a 25% cost-share grant program for solar PV projects that any rural small business can take advantage of. (It’s not just for farms).

Who’s eligible for REAP Solar Grants?

  • Auto Shops? YES.
  • Breweries? YES.
  • Commercial buidings? YES.
  • Factories? YES.
  • Retail shops? YES.
  • Grocery stores? YES.
  • Rental cabins and hotels? YES.
  • Any business that is rural and small? YES.
  • YES, and farms, too.

Check to see if you are eligible for an REAP Grant through our chart! (click to enlarge)

Nebraska’s Solar Panel Experts

Ready to see if you are eligible for federal Solar Incentives or a REAP Solar Grant? At J-Tech, our team can transform your home, your pocketbook, and the environment by implementing solar panels at a reduced cost. J Tech Solar is the proud leader of solar energy and the premier install of solar panels in eastern Nebraska. Our team is happy to point you in the right direction of the appropriate solar tax credits. Whether you are looking for solar solutions for your home, business, or farm, call us today for a free consultation!

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JTech Construction, Gutters, Lincoln, NE