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Solar Panel Types

J-Tech will install solar panels for residential, commercial, and agricultural uses in Omaha, Lincoln, and Grand Island, Nebraska. However, before installing solar panels, you’ll first need to decide which type is best for your residency or commercial building.

What Is the Best Type of Solar Panel?

Technically there are many different types of solar panels, but most of them can be classified into two different categories. Monocrystalline solar panels offer the highest efficiency and will ultimately provide the most powerful capacity. Polycrystalline solar panels on the other hand are a bit less efficient but are also more affordable than monocrystalline. When you’re looking at different types of solar panels, be mindful of flexibility, efficiency, and the price of each solar panel before making a decision.

How Much Do Solar Panels Save?

J-Tech Construction works closely with Silfab Solar panels, who specialize in durable, high-performance monocrystalline solar panels. With our partnership, when you shop for Silfab Solar panels, you’ll be able to use their 25-year warranty to account for product damage and power output changes over the years. You can also link up your solar panels with a micro-inverter, which will continue powering your home, even if one of the panels fails.

Nebraska’s Solar Panel Experts

If you’re considering solar panels as a renewable energy source at your home or business, contact our team at J-Tech Construction for solar panel installation.

How Can We Help You?*
JTech Construction, Gutters, Lincoln, NE