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Benefits of Going Solar

solar electricity

Benefits of Going Solar

solar electricity

Benefits of Going Solar

There are many benefits of using solar power. Aside from the obvious environmental benefits, homeowners are discovering several additional perks to “living off the grid.” It’s important to consider the initial investment and the local incentives when deciding whether solar power is a suitable choice for your home, but most families will benefit from going solar. To celebrate solar power and renewable energy, let’s explore six reasons to use solar panels at home.

  1. Reduced Electricity Bills

One of the primary benefits of solar panels is the long term savings. Because it harnesses energy from the sun, you won’t need to be paying as large of an electric bill. Instead of financing a complete installation, you could opt for a “pay as you go” plan. A separate company would manage the installation and maintenance of the panels. You would simply pay the company, far less than you would have been paying the utility company.

  1. Environmentally Friendly

Solar power is a clean and green energy source that produces minimal environmental impact compared to traditional fossil fuels. Fossil fuels emit a lot of carbon dioxide into the environment, which causes a greenhouse gas effect. This can ultimately lead to increases in global temperatures, rising sea levels, and biodiversity loss. One of the benefits of installing solar panels is that it’s a great and easy way to erase your carbon footprint. Going solar decreases your carbon emission percentage. The U.S has an annual CO2 emission of approximately 17.9%.

  1. Increased Property Value

As home buyers are getting better informed about solar energy, homes equipped with solar panels are becoming more attractive to buyers and may have a higher resale value. Homes with solar panels are selling faster than ever because of the long term savings that they provide. By going solar at home, you improve not only your ability to save money now, but also get an opportunity to make more money when selling your home in the future. So really, solar has both short-term and long-term financial benefits.

  1. Low Maintenance Requirements

Because solar panels don’t require a lot of time and energy to maintain, you’ll be able to benefit from them without spending much aside from the initial investment. Unlike other energy sources, solar does not require any frequent checkups to make sure everything is in working condition. Once solar panels are installed, the operating and maintenance costs are relatively low, as sunlight is free. Solar panels only require a checkup every couple of years.

  1. Financial Incentives and Rebates

Many governments and local authorities offer financial incentives, tax credits, and rebates to encourage the installation of solar power systems, making it more affordable for homeowners. If you’d like to learn more about the solar tax credits, grants, and incentives that are available to you, be sure to research federal and state opportunities.

  1. Job Creation

Going solar creates many jobs for people. Solar jobs are higher paying and tend to be local. Solar jobs contribute greatly to the U.S economy. Money that is invested into solar power creates two to three times more jobs than money that is invested in coal or natural gas. With the growth of solar energy in the country, job opportunities are only going to continue to grow.

There are countless reasons to use solar panels, but hopefully this list can highlight some of the most beneficial ones. At J-Tech Construction and Solar, we offer free estimates for solar panel installation, so be sure to contact us today.


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