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The Eclipse: What Could Go Wrong

solar eclipse

The Eclipse: What Could Go Wrong

solar eclipse

Traditional landscaping is dependent on fossil fuels and chemicals and is responsible for the erosion of surface and ground waters. What may seem like a ‘green activity’ isn’t contributing to the global environment in a positive way.

A new movement in the green world is the idea of sustainable landscaping. When you make the choice to focus on sustainable landscaping, you’re combining the worlds of aesthetic and environment. Your sustainable yard and garden can address water management, air quality, climate modification, biodiversity, habitats and local food production, just to name a few things. Sustainable landscaping is based off adapting and responding to the surrounding environment.

The Eclipse: What could go wrong

The Great American Total Solar Eclipse is less than one week away. On Monday, August 21, the sky across the United States will turn dark in the middle of the day. Nebraska is one of the best places in the world to view this solar event. Towns across the state fall under the path of totality, which means the sun will be totally blocked by the moon. Thousands of people from around the world have traveled to the Cornhusker State to witness this great eclipse in totality. It’s safe to say, people are getting excited.

The Great American Solar Eclipse is going to be epic, so you should be interested. However, don’t let the hype surrounding this eclipse distract you from taking precautions and being prepared. Here’s what to expect during the solar eclipse, and what could go wrong.

Solar Eclipse

You could go blind

Staring at the sun is damaging to your eyes. If you try to watch the eclipse without the proper protective glasses, the damage could be permanent. The eclipse will last for a couple hours but totality will only last a couple minutes. It takes less than two minutes for the sun to seriously injure your vision. Do not look directly at the sun without protective glasses, which are readily available at local retailers in preparation for this event. The only time it’s safe to look up without the glasses is during totality. This is when the sun is completely covered. Keep in mind that totality only lasts a couple minutes, so keep your protective eyewear close by.

You could ruin your camera

If you’re planning on photographing the solar eclipse, make sure to buy special lenses. The sun’s powerful light can ruin a camera’s sensitive equipment. Use filters and lenses specially designed for taking pictures of the sun. The specific kind of filter you need will depend on what kind of camera you have. Before you get all your equipment set up for the perfect solar eclipse shot, do your research and protect your camera.


If you’re planning to watch the eclipse in town, be prepared for some light pollution. Most streetlights are programmed to turn on when it gets dark. This means you’ll have interference from lights in the street, in parking lots, and along walkways. For the best views of the solar eclipse, consider heading out of town.

Solar Eclipse


Nebraska has been named one of the best places to watch the Great American Solar Eclipse. That being said, there’s going to be a lot of extra traffic. Plan ahead and get to your viewing spot early, whether you’re in town or out in the country. Be prepared for extra visitors, and don’t let the extra traffic cast a shadow over your eclipse fun.

It might be cloudy

Nebraska is supposed to be one of the best places to watch the eclipse but if the weather doesn’t cooperate, you won’t see very much. Cloudy weather will block the solar eclipse event. Right now, the area forecast is calling for partly cloudy skies. If that’s the case, you’ll still be able to see most of the eclipse. Let’s all hope the weather cooperates on Monday. Thousands of people will be disappointed if the Great American Solar Eclipse is blocked by the clouds.


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