Why You Should Stop Mocking Oversized Sunglasses

woman standing on sidewalk texting on phone wearing sunglasses

Why You Should Stop Mocking Oversized Sunglasses

woman standing on sidewalk texting on phone wearing sunglasses

Here at J-Tech Solar, we love utilizing as much energy from the sun as possible. The sun provides us with warmth, light, and solar power. Last week we discussed how the sun impacts our skin and the best ways to protect your skin against it’s UV rays. This week we’re diving deeper into the discussion of the sun’s impact on our bodies by discussing sunglasses and the impact the sun has on our eyes.

The science

Essentially, when the sun hits your eyes for extended periods of time or directly for short periods of time, your eyes get a sunburn that can lead to permanent eye damage. When you stare directly at the sun, ultraviolet light enters your eye, and is focused through the lens straight to the retina at the back of the eye. The retina is a fine layer of tissue, and is extremely sensitive to light. The UV rays don’t hurt your retina directly, rather, they start oxidizing around the surrounding tissue which eventually harms the rod and cone photoreceptors. Depending on the length and amount of exposure, solar eye damage (or photic retinopathy) can occur in a matter of seconds, but can last a lifetime.

bearded man on phone wearing sunglass

Do I have eye damage?

A sad reality is that most people most likely already have some degree of eye damage. Some damage can heal over time with proper care and protection, while more severe cases last indefinitely. If you experience some of the following symptoms, and haven’t seen an ophthalmologist for a while, you might consider making an appointment. Symptoms of eye damage include but not are not limited to:

  • Discomfort looking at bright lights
  • Eye soreness
  • Relentless headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Blind spot or multiple blind spots
  • Decreased color vision

Purpose of eyewear

There are many different purposes of eyewear, from aesthetic to functional. Even if you haven’t experienced the above symptoms of eye damage, beginning regular use of eyewear today can help prevent damage in the future. The National Eye Institute provides a great list of reasons for wearing sunglasses, from health reasons to beauty purposes. For example, wearing sunglasses will help prevent regular squinting, preventing the early onset of wrinkles.

When choosing your sunglasses, it’s best to understand the different purposes of lenses and styles. There are many different purposes of lens color depending on weather conditions, activity, and for many different features and benefits. For example, brown/amber shades are best for sunny conditions, while blues/purples are best when there are rainy or snowy conditions. If you’re a gamer, consider investing in yellow lens colors as yellow filters out blue light, while if you opt for bicycling, invest in pink lenses to provide good road visibility and increase visual depth.

collection of sunglasses

Begin your sunglasses collection now

As mentioned earlier, the best time to start protecting your eyes from UV rays is now. To avoid permanent damage, consult your eye doctor regarding which sunglasses options are best for your lifestyle and address any concerns you may have about your vision as soon as possible.

Now that you’re learning how to protect yourself from the sun, it’s time to learn about the best ways to utilize the beneficial aspects of those rays for productivity. Call J-Tech today to inquire more about how we can help you enjoy the sun’s power as a reusable energy.


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