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Hail Damage FAQs

Hail Damage FAQs

Hail storms aren’t as common as rain or snow, but when they hit, they hit hard. When in full force, hail has the power to damage your roof, siding, and windows in a very short period of time. After weathering the storm, you may be left with a lot of questions about how to fix hail damage and who to reach out to for support. Luckily, our team at J-Tech Construction is happy to help with anything you need in terms of exterior repair and installation. If your home is in need of replacement gutters or roof repair, our team of experts is happy to help get the ball rolling!

What Does Hail Damage Look like on a Roof?

Hail damage on a roof can manifest in different ways, mostly depending on the roofing material. If you have a roof with asphalt shingles, you may notice dents or depressions after a severe hail storm. Hail impact can also lead to cracks or fractures in the shingle material. Metal roofs are generally more resistant to hail damage than other roofing materials, but they can still be susceptible to dents and dings from hail impact. Hail may also cause discoloration or chipping of the protective coating on metal roofing.

Where Do I Start When I Notice Hail Damage on My Roof?

The first thing to do after a major hail storm is to schedule an inspection. Hail damage may not always be readily apparent, especially if the hailstones were small or if the impact occurred on less visible areas of your home. Nevertheless, it’s important to take the time to inspect your home’s exterior, including the roof, siding, windows. When a professional takes a look at your roof, siding, and gutters, they’ll be able to diagnose any damage that may have been from the most recent storm. Based on the report that you receive, you may want to reach out to J-Tech for hail damage repair.

How Does My Deductible Work?

Deductibles vary from person to person. When scheduling hail damage repair with J-Tech, the deductibles are always paid to the contractor and will be deducted from the amount that the insurance company pays. If you’re unsure of your deductible amount, a representative at J-Tech will work alongside you to connect with your insurance agency.

Do I Need to Get 3 Estimates?

Some insurance companies suggest getting three estimates from three different contractors to get the best estimate for your hail damage. Luckily, that won’t be necessary if you choose J-Tech. Our team will work hand in hand with your insurance provider to ensure that your damaged property is returned to its pre-storm conditions.

Should I Share My Insurance Info With My Contractor?

Please do! J-Tech Construction has an entire insurance division to help with payment and supplements. By allowing our team to connect with your insurance agency, we’ll have a clear understanding of what exactly will be covered during our repairs. 

Do I Have to Pay Out of Pocket?

For the most part, no. Homeowners insurance typically covers hail damage as part of its standard property coverage. With most insurance plans, the only amount that you will need to pay is the deductible. Reach out to your insurance provider early in the process to find out if your policy includes the roof, siding, windows, doors, or some combination of those. If additional repairs or installations outside of the scope of work are requested, J-Tech will work hand in hand with the homeowner to formulate a plan.

Can Hail Damage Solar Panels?

Installing solar panels at home is a great way to save on energy bills in the long run, but some homeowners are concerned about how long the panels will last in a storm. Luckily, hail is not usually large enough to cause any significant damage to your solar panels. Solar panels were made to endure the elements of the outdoors. That being said, hail can vary in size, and if the hailstones are large and dense, they can cause damage to the glass covering of your solar panels. Even smaller hailstones can cause microcracks in the glass or the photovoltaic cells of solar panels. While these cracks may not be immediately visible, they can gradually worsen over time, leading to reduced efficiency and performance of the panel.


Ready to Get Started?

Are you ready to talk with a J-Tech Construction representative about your exterior and solar needs? Complete the form and one of our highly trained experts will reach out to schedule your free consultation. We look forward to working with you!

How Can We Help You?*
JTech Construction, Gutters, Lincoln, NE