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How Solar Energy Can Benefit Your Business

solar panel install

How Solar Energy Can Benefit Your Business

solar panel install

How Solar Energy Can Benefit Your Business

Many companies have already gone solar. These include Ikea, Kohl’s, Walmart, Walgreens, Whole Foods and General Motors to name a few. But you don’t need to be a Fortune 500 company to make the change. Businesses both large and small are starting to realize the benefits of ditching their electric bills and replacing them with solar energy.

This isn’t only about what they’re gaining financially from cutting back on their electric bill. But, also what they’re giving back to the environment in the process. We all want a clean and safe future for ourselves and our families. But when we’re faced with such a daunting task Its easy to shut down and convince ourselves the problemis much larger than us. The great news is, however, that we can absolutely be apart of the solution. We arethe issue, but we’re alsobecoming the resolver!
Let’s take a look at some benefits your business could experience if you decide to implement a solar energy solution.

Government Incentives

Federal, state and local governments offer amazing incentives and rebates for businesses that are investing in solar. These Government incentive programs can drastically cut the upfront cost of going solar. At the same time, providing your business with a predictable long-term revenue stream.

Appealing ROI

The most talked about and widely known financial benefit for becoming a solar business is the dramatic reduction in your company’s ongoing electrical costs. What most business owners don’t realize about solar energy, is just how rapid the payback period comes once they make the switch.

No More Electrical Energy Price Increases

Electrical energy companies always find ways increase their costs. Resulting in your energy bills too difficult to predict year after year. The cost of electricity has increased at compound annual growth rates in excess of 5%. You can eliminate this volatility entirely by generating your own clean electricity onsite.

Become an Influencer in Your State

Solar energy isn’t too foreign of an idea anymore. Most people have been exposed to the idea of solar power for awhile now. However, most of these people haven’t witnessed other companies grabbing the bull by the horns just yet. By implementing a solar energy solution into your business, you will likely become a major influencer and inspiration in your business’ state. Take advantage ofthe decision to take your business solar. Reach out to local news outlets and provide them with all the details of your decision. Surely this will create quite a PR frenzy focused on your business ethics.

Thanks for reading! If you’re interested in eliminating your electric bill and implementing a solar energy solution into your business, reach out to us today and we’ll get you set up with a free estimate!


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Are you ready to talk with a J-Tech Construction representative about your exterior and solar needs? Complete the form and one of our highly trained experts will reach out to schedule your free consultation. We look forward to working with you!

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JTech Construction, Gutters, Lincoln, NE