Go Green, Save Green and Grow a Greener Lawn with Clover

clover lawns

Go Green, Save Green and Grow a Greener Lawn with Clover

clover lawns

Clover is typically considered a weed that can spoil your luscious green lawn. Before World War II, it was included in seed mixtures for lawns. When herbicides were introduced that killed dandelions and other common weeds, the clover in the grass was also killed off. If you make a couple simple changes to your lawn maintenance routine, you can reintroduce clover into your grass and enjoy the benefits that come with it. Clover lawns help you go green, save green and grow a greener lawn.

Clover is typically considered a weed that can spoil your luscious green lawn. Before World War II, clover was included in seed mixtures for lawns. When herbicides were introduced that killed dandelions and other common weeds, the clover in the grass was also killed off. If you make a couple simple changes to your lawn maintenance routine, you can reintroduce clover into your grass and enjoy the benefits that come with it. Clover lawns help you go green, save green and grow a greener lawn.

Clover lawn benefits

Basically, clover helps your lawn stay greener with less water and without synthetic chemicals. Eliminating these two expenses saves you money and reduces your carbon footprint. Having a clover lawn will also save you time. Clover grows laterally, instead of vertically like grass. This means you won’t have to mow as frequently.

Nitrogen boost in soil

Clover is great at taking nitrogen from the air and transferring it back into the soil. Nitrogen is a common ingredient in fertilizer. Having extra nitrogen deposited into your grass through the clover is an easy way to go green and keep your grass green at the same time. With clover in your lawn, you won’t have to use as many harsh chemicals on the grass, saving you money on fertilizers. Poor soil can lead to thin, patchy grass. Clover not only fills in these thin areas with growth, but it also helps improve the soil by adding nitrogen nutrients.

Dryness and drought resistant

Lawns with clover spread throughout are more resistant to dryness and drought. Clover roots grow deep into the soil, which means it stays green when the rest of the grass starts to turn brown. Another cause for brown spots in the grass is pet urine. Clover is more resistant to pet urine, which helps your lawn stay green. The deep roots offer protection against erosion and run-off.

Clover seed varieties

If you’re skeptical of clover-grass seeds, microclover seed formulas are smaller and bloom less than traditional clover. Regular mowing will cut off the white clover blooms so they won’t affect your lawn’s aesthetic.

White and Red Clover are the two most popular when it comes to cultivating your lawn, but White Dutch Clover is the most recommended. An added bonus of this seed variety is that the clover attracts honeybees. By simply planting clover grass you can help protect the endangered honeybee population.

How to plant a clover lawn

Before you spread the clover-grass seed mix, cut your grass short and use a thatch rake to remove the thatch. Thatch is the dead, loose grass that builds up between the grass and the soil. Once you’ve prepared the lawn, spread the clover seed and water it well. In about two weeks you’ll start to notice growth. The best time plant clover seed is during the summer months after the ground is thawed from the cold.


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