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Scientists Suspect Severe Climate Change Effects by 2030

a barren desert, a potential outcome after 2030

Scientists Suspect Severe Climate Change Effects by 2030

a barren desert, a potential outcome after 2030

Scientists Suspect Severe Climate Change Effects by 2030

J-Tech Solar is proud to be one of only a few certified residential and commercial solar panel installation experts in Nebraska. We love being able to contribute to clean energy use one home at a time, especially when news breaks like that which has been covered by what seems like every news outlet lately: Earth is reaching the point of critical climate change. In fact, many experts are estimating that serious changes to both human and environmental health due to the effects of climate change will take place by as early as 2030. These postulations come about after the UN hinted at the results of a comprehensive report which will be discussed in Copenhagen by the end of October. They plan to release the full contents of the report on November 2nd. This week, we’re breaking down what effects are being predicted within the next 12 years and why they are causing such alarm in the scientific community.

Poverty Expected to Rise

Climate change is estimated to affect 100 million people by 2030, forcing them into poverty. In fact, fighting climate change may be one of the best ways to fight poverty according to a study by the World Bank Group (a coalition of five institutions working in over 170 countries to eradicate poverty) which states, “By 2030, rapid, inclusive, and climate-informed development can prevent most (but not all) climate change impacts on poverty.” That’s because climate change makes everyday impacts to those at high risk of poverty, including: lower food production and higher food costs, productivity decreases in health and labor fields, and increases in the likelihood of natural disasters which necessitate both the relocation of local people and expensive rehabilitation efforts.

Water in Short Supply

There are several issues climate change causes for water availability and safety. According to the UN, unpredictable weather leads to unpredictable water patterns. Everything from rainfall to runoff to snowmelt patterns become harder to predict and, therefore, water becomes harder to distribute. Additionally, populations most likely to be affected by these issues often have limited access to safe, drinkable water already. This makes many of these populations more susceptible to health complications related to contaminated water or issues of food security.

Rising Death Rates Due to Health Issues

While this is certainly not a new phenomenon, reports of individuals dying of extreme heat are expected to rise over the next decade. Already there have been reports everywhere from Pakistan to England to India regarding higher heat-induced mortality rates. In fact, the EPA has reported that even the United States has seen growing numbers of heat-related deaths in recent years. The World Health Organization also reported that climate change can exacerbate certain health threats such as malaria and even water or food borne illnesses, causing further health complications.

If you’ve been wanting to do your part for the environment but haven’t found a way that speaks to you, consider residential or commercial solar panels! J-Tech is here to be your partner in solar solutions, so call us with your questions or to get started today!


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